Bringing Fieldwork Back In Conference

Project: Conference Book/Program (Online and Print), Layout and Design Client: Yale University/UEP, New Haven, CT Technologies:  CS6: Photoshop; InDesign CS6 Description: Layout and Design Brochure: Fieldwork-Booklet

Sociology @ Yale

Project: Department of Sociology Brochure (Online and Print: Layout and Design Client: Yale University, New Haven, CT Technologies:  CS6: Photoshop; InDesign CS6 Description: Layout and Design URL: Brochure

Graphic Blog Sites

Project: Web Site Technologies:  CS6: Photoshop; WordPress, Jetpack Description: Web site development.

The Dietitian, LLC

Project: The Dietitian, LLC Client: Maureen Wasik Technologies:  CS6:  Photoshop, Wordpress. Description: Web site development and updating. URL: