On Again, Off Again: Forever Imperfect Wifi

The good, bad, and the boring of wifi performance. I’m not sure I feel any better after reading this piece on boosting your home network. I’ve tried a couple of range extenders, and it seems like the signal is stronger. At least it displays as such on the...

Give Yourself 5 Stars? Online, It Might Cost You

By DAVID STREITFELD, New York Times “I celebrate myself, and sing myself,” wrote Walt Whitman, America’s great bard of self-promotion. As the world goes ever more digital, quite a few businesses are adopting that philosophy — hiring a veritable chorus of touts to sing...

Is Big Data an Economic Big Dud?

By JAMES GLANZ for the New York Times IF pencil marks on some colossal doorjamb could measure the growth of the Internet, they would probably be tracking the amount of data sloshing through the public network that spans the planet. Christened by the World Economic...