Wikipedia Project

The Wikipedia Project website is the home for the NSF funded research and data project launched and codeveloped by NYU and Yale University. Project:Wikipedia Research Project, New Haven, Ct, Abu Dhabi, UAE, New York, NY. Client: National Science Foundation/NYU-Yale...

A Brief Guide to the Newer Reservation Apps

by STEPHANIE STROMAUG. 29, 2017 I Know the Chef This diner-focused app lists only restaurants it has evaluated to make sure they meet its standards. You select a restaurant, time and number of diners; the app responds with a confirmation right away, or provides the...

Dear iPhone: Here’s Why We’re Still Together After 10 Years

By  BRIAN X. CHEN AUG. 23, 2017 Dear iPhone: It’s hard to believe we’re still together after 10 years, which is eons in the tech industry. What’s the glue that keeps us together? For one, I rarely get lost now that I always have a GPS device in my pocket. After lots...